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Technology Driven by Research

The DCAT & DORE Tests

The Testing Process


Cognitive tests developed through award winning research.


Highly predictive assessment of actual

on-road driving ability.


Standardized computer 

based measurements and scoring


Reporting developed with physicians and licensing authorities.


The DCAT is an incredibly easy tool to use consisting of only a touch screen and simple three-button input. The DCAT test, utilized by SafeWay Driver Fitness Centers, is a portable, in-office, computer-based assessment that is used to evaluate the complex, mental functions necessary for safe driving. 

Developed by an award winning university research team.

Highly predictive of actual on-road performance.

The DCAT test is an objective, peer-reviewed test.

Six neuro cognitive functions tested.

 Following the assessment a PDF report is generated that interprets the results.

No computer skills required for testing.

A database of over 80,000+ drivers assessed.

Assigns value that indicates the probability of failing a specialized on-road course.


Drivers are scored on the errors they make during the assessment.

Errors made by cognitively-challenged individuals are different than those made by  normal, healthy drivers and signal competence decline.

Traditional on-road tests are subjective and enormously unfair to the medically at-risk driver. DriveABLE's On-Road Evaluation  is the world’s only

behind-the-wheel assessment that accurately tests drivers on their cognitive ability alone and not on the rules of the road.

A PDF report is generated within 24-48 hours that will interpret the results of the assessment.

Following the assessment, all errors are entered into a computer algorithm that focuses strictly on the errors made by cognitively challenged individuals.

On-road assessment features specific maneuvers built-in that will challenge drivers with cognitive impairment.

Our on-road evaluation is, standardized, objective, peer-reviewed and fair.

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