Hiring and retention of good drivers for your company, whether as a professional driver or for an employee that drives as part of their job is becoming more and more important. Most companies look at a driver’s resume and abstract as the pre-screen before proceeding to the interview stage. Let DriverFit take your driver hiring process to the next level!
DriverFit uses leading edge job fit assessment science and a one of a kind browser based platform to give you an easy way to get valuable information about a job applicant and how they compare to your top employees. Candidates can take the evaluation on any tablet or computer and will complete in 30-45 minutes.
Hire the Best Drivers
Build your custom benchmark from top performers within the organization
Send email invitations to potential employees and ask them to complete the online evaluation.
Compare the candidates profile with your top performing employees.
DriverFit’s easy to use administration dashboard allows you to easily send invitations with as little information as first name, last name and email address. Results are returned to your private, customized dashboard real time as the candidate finishes each section of the evaluation. A full report is available upon completion of the test and compares the traits and attitudes of the candidate as well as measures of focus and attention and fundamental driving awareness. A brief summary of the candidates personality, motivations and interests will give you a glimpse into the person you are looking to hire before you ever meet them.
SafeWay offers many different custom solutions including our most popular Driver Blueprint program from ProDriverHR.
The Driver Blueprint Program from ProDriverHR has been designed to help companies in two important areas, retention and safety. Using evidence-based technology this program is tailored to your company and provides a user-friendly, scalable and cost-effective approach to enable you to improve your driver’s success of staying with your company and operating their vehicles with improved awareness
What the Program Includes
• Detailed report on what makes your top performer’s tick
• Customized benchmark that ts position and company culture
• Great for comparing applicants to your top performers
• Can be used for coaching existing employees in targeted areas
• Compares applicants and existing employees to GB3 Benchmark
• Assesses driving focus, concentration and other cognitive functions.
• Analyzes knowledge of fundamental driving awareness principles
• Reveals personality, traits and characteristics that are relevant
• Simple, fast and accurate method of pinpointing risk behaviors
• Creates targeted training regime tailored to each driver
• Mobile enabled for convenience and ease of use
• Cost-effective, standardized and scalable across locations
• 15-20 minute modules pulsed out at regular intervals
• Targeted training for position, location and requirements
• Mobile enabled for ease of use
• Cost-effective and scalable